I hate computers!
Somehow I managed to delete all my notes on chapter 3, so it looks like I'll be starting all over. :(
-begin with mini lessons and introduce anchor charts to help the students remember what math stations look like, feel like, and sound like. These will be posted for the students to go back and refer to while they are working. I plan on using chart paper, markers, and my digital camera for pics. These lessons will for introducing as well as reinforcing correct station work and will be done throughout the year.
-I think my math schedule will look something like this
-for stations to be successful the students need to know what to do and how to do it. The idea of "I can" posters can help the students if they have trouble remembering what they are supposed to be doing.
Where to begin?
-begin with mini lessons and introduce anchor charts to help the students remember what math stations look like, feel like, and sound like. These will be posted for the students to go back and refer to while they are working. I plan on using chart paper, markers, and my digital camera for pics. These lessons will for introducing as well as reinforcing correct station work and will be done throughout the year.
-I think my math schedule will look something like this
mini lesson
whole group lesson
independent practice
whole group lesson
independent practice
mini lesson
I think I am leaning toward the second, but we will see once next years schedule comes out.
-planning for these stations is important and it will be a lot of work to get them up and running, but it will be well worth it in the long run. Here's what I came up with for a planning template.
Click here for planning charts
Click here for planning charts
-for stations to be successful the students need to know what to do and how to do it. The idea of "I can" posters can help the students if they have trouble remembering what they are supposed to be doing.
-our station board will be a pocket chart with the student's names (groups of 2) and the number of their stations. I plan on them going to 2 and I am going to ring a bell when it is time to switch. I wish I had pics to post, but my room is already packed for the year so all my classroom planning will be in my head.
-Math talk cards - would be a mini math word wall for the students to refer back to. These will insure that the students are using the correct math vocabulary at their station. (geez I have a lot to create this summer)
-where to put student work???? Not quite sure about that one yet. May have to wait to see what the room is going to look like for the year. Maybe a basket, or folders, or even cubbies for math work. I think there may even be a folder for work that is not completed.
-share time --- another must have. I am going to make sure that we have a few minutes each day for this. We can help solve problems, talk about what we learned, or even think about something we want to learn more about.
This being the second time that I have written this blog, it's not a good as it was before. I am just TOO excited about chapter 4 and seeing what Fran has in store for us. So for now, I think I covered the most important info.
Don't forget to link up with Mrs. Parker!!!

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