Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Geez...it seems like the only time I ever blog is during the summer.  I guess this year was super busy and crazy all at the same time.  It was over too fast.  Here I am with my youngest napping and my oldest entertaining herself with her toys.  What else would I do?  BLOG!!!  

This is what I left on June 2:

It really looks sad once you pack everything away, but I like how it's a fresh start for the next year.  I already have things that I will change, but for now I look through pinterest for fun ideas and different classroom arrangements.

I really am excited to see what happens.  I will be taking a break from being the inclusion classroom next year, which makes me sad and happy all at the same time.  My oldest daughter will be starting kinder next year and this change will hopefully help me stay more focused on her and the success that she has.  I am very excited and scared all at the same time.  She is growing up too fast.

Hopefully I can get some projects done even though I brought absolutely nothing home to work on.  (score one for me/mommy)