Monday, July 23, 2012

Sight Word Pointers

So I am going through boxes and boxes of things in my garage and I came across these poor souls. 

Boy have they seen better days.  These were something I created a couple of years ago.  I think it's time to replace them.  A few days ago I saw these on Pinterest.   Click on the pic to go to Kinderdi's blog to see other fun sight word ideas.


My old ones are made with foam and I used glitter glue to write the words.  Her's are on cardstock.  She laminated them and taped them to the back of the stick.

Here's a pic  of what I came up with.  I only printed the first 2 pages, my ink is running out, but I plan to use other colors than what I have pictured.  All I did was print them out, laminate them, and tape the wooden stick to the back.  Hopefully they will last, if not, I can always print more.

I used the sight words that my district uses in the language arts adoption.  I think I will put them in my pointer can as we learn them.

Click here to get your sight word pointer freebie.

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