Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blog Mixer

So I soon as I saw this post I had to make a button so I could join.   Thank you Yearn to Learn!

First you have to complete the following:
1.  A blogger who is a "New Kid on the Blog"
(Let's say someone who has blogged 2 months or less and has less than 200 followers)
2.  Post a blogger in your same grade level
3.  Post a blogger in a different grade level
4.  It's all about the button. Find a cute blog button and post it.
Here are my thoughts...

1.  New Kid(s)...I have to include myself!! :)

Krazy in Kindergarten


2.  Blogs of the same grade level ---very tough there are some fabulous ones out there. 

3.  Different grade

4.  Cute button

Join the mixer here!!!